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Selectmen's Minutes March 25, 2003

Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 25, 2003

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Spook Arey, Office Assistant Lisa Stevens, and Administrative Assistant Judy Kenneally via telephone.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:10pm.

SUBJECT: Highway Department     

PRESENT: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan  

Work on the dirt roads continues.  They are spending a lot of money on crushed stone.  AJ attended the recent FEMA workshop.  Reimbursement up to $12,000 is available.  Lisa will assist AJ with the paperwork if necessary.  Jeff can no longer serve on the Conservation Commission.  He will still be available to consult on the road issues when needed.  

SUBJECT:        Marilyn Stevens


Ms. Stevens inquired what the status of her inquiry into ownership for the unknown lot that abuts her on Horse Corner Road.  She had meet with the board last fall and brought in deeds.  Chairman Colbert directed Lisa to check with Heather and have the information together for the next board meeting.

SUBJECT:        Conservation Commission

PRESENT: Bob Mann, Jeff Andrews and Walter Sanborn  

Chairman Mann updated the board of the commission’s activities.  Currently they are in need of three members.  They would also like to have an ex-officio member from the planning board.  Mr. Andrews updated the board on the Natural Resources Inventory project that is well under way with the assistance of Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests.  The purpose of the NRI is to be used as a planning tool by the planning and zoning boards for development purposes, site review and zoning issues.  The conservation commission can use it when considering conservation easements.  The inventory should be finished in April.  The commission plans to hold a public hearing on May 12th, at the grange hall and a final hearing in September.  Jeff Andrews gave a brief overview to the board on conservation easements.  The commission’s next meeting is April 14th.  They hope to have a full membership that will allow them to elect officers at that time.  Chairman Colbert will speak to
Stan Brehm about the ex-officio position.  


The board signed the MS-2 and the BCEP appointment papers.  Minutes of March 18, 2003, were approved as written.  

Andrea Deachman stopped by the meeting, asking the status on town wide letterhead.  Have we gotten any printed yet, can we get a cleaner original; the seal doesn’t copy very well.  Selectman DeBold was handling this issue, the issue was tabled until next week due to his absence.  

All appointments were tabled until a full board was present.

Judy brought up the new road signs for Towle Road and Mason Road.  They need to be put up.  She explained the need for Mason Road to be renumbered.  The procedure was discussed and Lisa will send a memo to building inspector, Dave Paveglio who is responsible for numbering.  Our office is responsible for notifying 911 and the telephone company.  

Judy gave an update on the water situation on the Harkness property.

The fire department has a $5,000 surplus from 2002.  Lisa was asked to write a memo requesting the money be returned to the general fund per statue.

Lisa and Heather will be visiting the Barrington Town Office on Wednesday April 2nd to view one of the software companies’ software first hand.  The selectmen’s office will be closed that day.  Lisa will post on the web and at the office.

Chairman Colbert asked, for point of information, the current procedure the town has for handling tax deed properties.  Judy explained the process.

Timeframe for scheduling appointments and setting the agenda was discussed.  Lisa would like to be prepared for the Friday prior to a meeting to allow the board the weekend to review any related materials.  A Friday noon cutoff was decided.  Lisa will implement this procedure this week.  

Pending issues/old business was discussed to bring Selectmen Arey up to date.  Spook will come in and read the pending files to familiarize himself.  It was agreed to bring Ms. Stevens issue before the board next week and then one each week thereafter until caught up.  

A letter from Mr. Blackman was received and read by the selectmen.  A copy of said will be attached to these minutes when approved and kept on file in the selectmen’s office for the public record.  Mr. Blackman’s position is so noted and should any new action come before the board on this issue, his opinion will be taken into consideration.

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Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 9:00pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant

                                                                Approved As Written   
_____________________________                           4/1/03
Chairman David Colbert


Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

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